Monday, January 9, 2012


Lifeless.that suits me now.i just feel so wrong being at home doing nothing rather than online,watching tv,sleep.i think it will be better if i got a job now.
Common,i just really need something to do.someone ? Please help this guy.He needs work !

Naa,the plan is really not working get a job after getting my license is quite challenging isn't ? Hoho.i cant stay still.need to move like jagger.yeah,ade lembu nak jaga ade lembu nak jagaa.erk?

Btw,all this time I was worried about my result.hailaa,kenapa eh ? Naa,there was one day i dreamt about my result. Nauzubillah . Taknak taknak result tuu. Kenapa tak mimpi a good thing ? Hmm.maybe the bad dream come out with an excellent result :) amin.only Allah knows .
Tawakal tawakal tawakal doa doa doa.

I keep wondering is my brain keep functioning well like it used to be ?
Yaa,its been a while I did not work it out.naa,it might be rusty.fuuhh fuhhh.
Acane nak masuk U nii -_-
and then the solution just pop out.addmath ? Suddenly ?
Haha.Is just by doing addmath can bring my brain functioning well back ? Haha
Terasaa je nak buat tapi tak buat buat.mengeluh lagi.

Driving license.5 hours of driving classes had done already.there's 1 hour left.
And it will be tommorrow.looking forward to finish it early.ahh,cant stand with those test ,annoying instructor, fierce clerk, those people that with no manners.time ,please be fast.

P/s: mengharapakan hari esok yang lebih baik :)

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