Saturday, May 28, 2011

TKC HKSBP 2011 :)

alhamdulillah,selamat juga aku join my last HKSBP in my last year :')
I'm so glad my team manage to the kebangsaan.
though we're lost,but then we had a lot of fun there.
the best moment ever in my life.
truly,I will keep deep in my heart :)

ok,keputusan for my basketball team,Flyers boleh dibanggakan.
for the 1st match,we manage to give the best fight with Sains Kuching.
eventhough the score is 36-22 . at least we tried our best.
no doubt,SainsKu had won twice the cup.

2nd result are so so much dissapointed.
fought with of the favourite,I think.
we're left by 3 marks :( so sad.
only 3 points to level it up.
bukan rezeki for Flyers.

for debaters , keep giving the best for the next HK ok ?
we had tried our best for SBP Integrasi Selandar,be proud :)

Basketball's players,
I will miss our moments together
the training,our laugh burst into tears
my emo-ish attitude.very very sorry.
to Acha,thanks sebab let me join the captain !
Apek,thanks for the're the best.
Shuk & Fuza , our best defenders.
Syazani the sharpshooter.keep practising your 3 point yaa :)
Azam,the Heroman.cant imagine our team without're the anchor buddy.gudluck for the next HK .




to the fivers,please do our best for SPM yeaa.
focus more,work more :)

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