Friday, February 19, 2010

posto-posto :)

people,it will be my last post before leaving to that school which located in the heart of the city.
haha.very funny.ok now,i'm really worry about the upcoming school activities.
ergh,1st nasyid for the freshie.haha. the song sounds good :D
2nd,choral speaking?how can you say about that? don't expect me to involve right? haha XD
3rd,yaaa,learning process.well,as a freshie,you must expect that we're clever or whatever laa.isy,there's more to catchup.esp,the ACCOUNT subject.weyy,someone help me?

hrrm,okay,tomorrow i'll take off to kampung at Sg.Buloh, mom said that there will be a family gathring.erk?since my late grandma past away,we rarely went back to village n meet our,this is the right time.yeah ! i'm looking forward to get the 8a's presents.haha.i hope they didn't forget about it.theyy promised me ok?! ^.^
naaa,plus,my bro promised me to give SOMETHING if my addmath's score reach the A+ GRADE.haha !
what the fish? how on earth i can do that? plus,it was just the 1st test.haha. wahh,gedikk stylee :p

this month of february :~
14/2 : FATIN's birthday.try to make yourself fatter please? haha.

20/2 : WAN's birthday.woo bro,hope you can cope well there :)

23/2 : me lykees this date.:D birthday : bro Q-yum n dear Audi's birthday :)
          this two fellows are soooo need to worry their future kan?
          one engineer n the other one is doc.isn't it?'s up to you guys.
          best of luck from NAJMI :) may ALLAH bless you.


         anymore? ya,tell me fast.cause i'm running out of time !! haha. *february only :)
         ok,that's all.let's came back to school FRIENDS !! rockin' it !!!
